Fun Fact »

The worldwide cement industry is estimated to represent 5% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

To further reduce the creation of particulate matter, Lafarge is committed to investing in additional dust control measures, described below as part of the reduction options.

The facility does not intend to reduce the use of the substances...

This Annual Toxic Substance Account Report has been prepared to meet the regulatory obligations specified under Section 10 for the Toxics Reduction Act and has been prepared in accordance with Section 27 (1) of Ontario Regulation 455/09, as...

This Annual Toxic Substance Account Report has been prepared to meet the regulatory obligations specified under Section 10 for the Toxics Reduction Act and has been prepared in accordance with Section 27 (1) of Ontario Regulation 455/09, as...

The intent of this report is to provide the public with information about the Bath plant’s emissions and work underway to reduce them. This report has been generated due to a request which came from the Kingston Faith and Justice Coalition for...

This Annual Toxic Substance Account Report has been prepared to meet the regulatory obligations specified under Section 10 for the Toxics Reduction Act and has been prepared in accordance with Section 27 (1) of Ontario Regulation 455/09, as...

The intent of this report is to provide the public with information about the Bath plant’s emissions and work underway to reduce them. This report has been generated due to a request which came from the Kingston Faith and Justice Coalition for...

The intent of this report is to provide the public with information about the Bath plant’s emissions and work underway to reduce them. This report has been generated due to a request which came from the Kingston Faith and Justice Coalition for...

This Annual Toxic Substance Account Report has been prepared to meet the regulatory obligations specified under Section 10 for the Toxics Reduction Act and has been prepared in accordance with Section 27 (1) of Ontario Regulation 455/09, as...


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